What does success mean to you?

A key part of my journey over the past year has been to redefine what success means to me.

For so long it was what others had suggested – the possibility of partnership, of promotions, of status.

The problem was that in going through the motions, I was left cold – I may have been capable of that “success” but the thought of it didn’t ever give me joy.

Recognising that I wasn’t on the path I wanted to be on came with a sense of shame and guilt. This wasn’t how I “should” be feeling, this wasn’t what I had been conditioned to believe I “should” want.

So I hid those parts of myself, played the game, kept pursuing all of the “shoulds”.

Until I couldn’t anymore.

Taking a step back to discover who I really am, what it is I want, what gives me joy and what success means for me has been an absolute game changer.

My experience has also informed the approach I take to coaching.

I believe when we understand ourselves, our core values and what we really want, we can then define what success looks like and be empowered to pursue lives and careers that compliment rather than conflict with who we really are.

If this is something you would like to explore, please send me an email to and we can arrange a call to talk about how we can work together

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